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Hey there,

Our mission at AdBlock is to create a worry-free and distraction-free internet for everyone. That’s why we developed our extension to block pop-ups, annoying ads, and other distractions across the web. AdBlock helps you to browse the web faster, safer, and with more control over your internet experience.

AdBlock is also free of charge to users, as we believe that everyone should have access to a better internet experience. That’s why many users choose to contribute to our efforts. If you believe in what we do and want to help us on our journey, you can do so now. Together, we can make the internet a better place for everyone!

The AdBlock Team

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What's new?

Here's an overview of the work we've recently introduced in AdBlock.

Need any help? Please visit our Help Center for fixes for commonly reported problems. If you'd like to learn more about what we're up to, please sign up for our monthly newsletter.