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Welcome to a better internet experience!

You now have access to enhanced pop-up blocking and more.

  1. Get AdBlock for Chrome Get AdBlock for Firefox Get AdBlock for Edge
  2. Activate here

To get started with AdBlock VPN, click on the button below.

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Questions? Please visit our Help Center or contact [email protected].



Enhanced pop-up blocking, faster page load times, and better privacy protection

$ 40 /year

inclusive of VAT

exclusive of VAT


Powerful ad and pop up blocking, private browsing, and tracker blocking

$ 4 /month

inclusive of VAT

exclusive of VAT

Already have premium or contributed before? Activate here

Premium Features

Block Cookie Consent Pop-ups

Cookie consent pop-ups ask you whether you’d like to accept or reject any cookies associated with the website you’ve visited. And they're all over the web! With AdBlock Premium, you can hide these pop-ups as you browse.

Distraction Control

Say goodbye to newsletter pop-ups, floating videos, and other annoying distractions with Distraction Control.

Image Swap

Personalize your browsing experience and get even more out of AdBlock. With Image Swap we'll still block ads, but we'll replace some with pictures of cats, dogs, and more!

Backup & Sync

Take your custom ad blocking rules, settings, and allowlists with you on whatever computer you use. Set AdBlock up once and take the same settings with you wherever you browse!

AdBlock VPN

Hide your identity online, access content blocked by location, and help secure public WiFi (use on up to 6 devices).