Your AdBlock has been updated!

Your AdBlock has been updated!

We have blocked 23,358 ads for you!

Contribute today and continue enjoying a clutter-free browsing experience.

Support us with confidence:
60 day money-back guarantee. And you can keep AdBlock.

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Or a yearly contribution

Nice! A $35.00 contribution gets AdBlock Premium and VPN for one year. Thanks for your support.

Make the most out of AdBlock

AdBlock begins blocking pop-ups and other annoying ads right away. Here are a few ways you can do even more:

Block more with Premium

Take control of your browsing experience with AdBlock Premium. Block pesky cookie banners, block additional pop-ups like auto-play videos, newsletter pop-ups, survey requests, and more.

Enjoy greater privacy

Access a more secure web wherever you go when you bundle AdBlock VPN and AdBlock Premium. In addition to the benefits of Premium, you’ll be able to keep your personal information safe when you browse the web anonymously.

Pin AdBlock to your toolbar

Access your settings and see how many ads you’ve blocked when you pin the extension to your browser. In most browsers, this means you’ll simply click on the puzzle icon in the upper right to pin.

Choose what you want to block

You can explore filter lists or use our manual blocking tool to customize what you’re blocking as you browse - even if it’s not an ad!

For help with commonly asked questions, visit our Help Center. And to stay up to date on the latest industry and ad-blocking trends, sign up for our monthly newsletter.

