Block YouTube Ads with AdBlock
YouTube is one of the most popular destinations on the Internet. But unskippable ads that run before, during, and after videos can make YouTube unbearable. With AdBlock, you can block YouTube ads and take control over your YouTube experience.
YouTube Ad Blocking Options
AdBlock blocks YouTube ads by default, and we provide powerful tools to customize how you block ads on YouTube.
Channel Whitelisting
AdBlock allows you to whitelist your favorite channels, making it easy to support
content creators.
Use AdBlock's Pause feature to turn AdBlock off temporarily.
Please note: you will see ads when AdBlock is paused.
Prefer YouTube in dark mode?
Prefer YouTube in dark mode?
AdBlock includes an optional dark mode theme for the AdBlock menu and Options
Blocking Ads on YouTube
We block billions of YouTube ads per month, which is why we are one of the best ad blockers for YouTube. Install AdBlock today and say goodbye to:
- Unskippable video ads
- Sidebar ads
- Banner ads
Block YouTube Ads Wherever You Go
Take control of your YouTube experience no matter how you choose to browse. Block YouTube ads in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Android or iPhone.
More Than a YouTube Ad Blocker
AdBlock does more than block YouTube ads, it actually makes YouTube better! Use AdBlock to decrease page load times, protect yourself from malware and adware, and more.
Install AdBlock and experience:
- Faster video loading
- Malware protection
- Uninterrupted playlists